© Dr. Artur Knoth

Brazilian Philately: The Pan Am Zeppelin Flight of 1930

The Paul K. Owen Cards

This contribution has been placed under Bahia, since quite a few of the cards had their destination as that city.

What we're calling the Owen cards can be best with the pictures below, the front and reverse of one in my collection and a front of another part that was auctioned off at Ebay.

This card has actual Condor cancels.

Here cancels are the BPO in Pernambuco, not Condor/1/

There many interesting aspects with these cards, cards that in my opinion may have seen the Zeppelin from afar, but never entered one, thus in my way of looking at it, not very relevant. There are a heck of a lot of them, highest # seen in the lower left hand corner is the one in my collection, #51, but there could be a lot more.

In the rates discussion, I noted that theoretically a postcard sent internally, e. g. Pernambuco to Bahia, etc., should only cost 2$500. Yet no Zeppelin stamp of this denomination was issued. These cards are all franked with 2$500 more or less, but with normal Brazilian postage stamps. The Zeppelin company got zilch revenue this way. And the pencil notation on the back of one card, rec'd 6/25, means that the cards were returned via ship, arriving June 25th.


/1/ Ebay auction by Hobbymagic